iptables -F

This command should be removed or come with confirmation message before execution. Today, I wanted to to turn my blacklist into a whitelist. Reason being as I added new services, I don't always remember to add in new rules, as a result, I was exposing quite a number of potentially sensitive ...

Linux box to AP with hostapd/dhcpd/iptables

2 weeks after my last failure, my hands started itching again and I tried to bridge my ethernet connection to a wireless adapter running in AP mode. Some reasons which resulted in my failures in previous occasions 1) Networking on a headless server - When playing with networks, you need to work ...

apache vs nginx/lighttpd

Many articles out there extol the benefits of the event based servers such as nginx/lighttpd over apache. It supposedly consumes less resources under high load and excels at serving static pages. Unfortunately here I am still using apache, which up until recently had very erratic performance. ...

Running you own home server part 2

As promised, I would cover what services I am currently running on my server and what I use it for. So the server stats can be accessed here . apache Web server - hosts my website, blog and a couple of wordpress sites that I am currently working on and phpmyadmin for quick access to mysql. ...

Running your own home server

Just wanted to share my experience of running my own server at home. Before anyone conjures up a thought of large server rack with cooling equipment and thousands of dollars of investment. Let me show you what it looks like. Its called the cubieboard, palm sized and sits at the corner of a ...