
Windows Applications

TCPHound - Win32 utility for auditing TCP connections Stars Forks
nTimeTools - Suite of console tools developed to work with nanosecond timestamp precision in Windows Stars Forks
ReverseShellDll - C++ Windows Reverse Shell, statically linked with Universal DLL Hijack and SSL encryption Stars Forks
LogServiceCrash - POC code to crash Windows Event Logger Service Stars Forks


Singapore Gazette Search - Constantly updated publicly searchable archive of Gazette articles


Tackling Dark Patterns through the EU legal framework (2024)
DSA - Enabling Trust, Efficiency and Maintaining Balance (2024)
Regulating Data Monopolies in Free-to-use Online Platforms (2024)
Analyzing Zoom's Customer License Grant clause (2023)
Mitigating Key Cyber Threats in 2023 (2023)
DTC Genetic Testing - Risks & Safeguards (2023)
LKY's Impact on Singapore Politics (2015)


DES key parity bit calculator
Text binning tool
SSE4.2 CRC32C Encoder

Android Applications

Cron Scheduler - Like cron, but for Android phones - Digitises information that is currently printed on handbooks

Website Themes

voce (Pelican Theme) - Pelican CMS theme currently powering this blog Stars Forks
voce (Wordpress Theme) - Wordpress version of voce theme