Reading List

The following is a curated list of books that I have read.

Data and Goliath
by Bruce Schneier
by Neal Stephenson
No Place to Hide
by Glen Greenwald
Cyber War
by Richard A. Clarke
When Breath Becomes Air
by Paul Kalanithi
Bad Blood
by John Carreyrou
Secrets and Lies
by Bruce Schneier
The Design of Everyday Things
by Donald A Norman
The Cuckoo's Egg
by Cliff Stoll
American Prison
by Shane Bauer
Ghost in the Wires
by Kevin Mitnick
The Singapore Story
by Lee Kuan Yew
This is what Inequality looks like
by Teo You Yenn
by Eric Berger
A Promised Land
by Barack Obama
Tall order
by Peh Shing Huei
Chip War
by Chris Miller
The Malay Dilemma
by Mahathir bin Mohamad
Contract Law
by Ewan McKendrick
The Best I Could
by Subhas Anandan
The Escape Artist
by Jonathan Freedland
The Song of the Cell
by Siddhartha Mukherjee
Freezing Order
by Bill Browder
Information Technology Law
by Rowland et al
Who Controls The Internet
by Goldsmith et al
Information Doesn't Want to Be Free
by Cory Doctorow
How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism
by Cory Doctorow
The People vs Tech
by Jamie Bartlett
Code 2.0
by Lawrence Lessig
100 Years' History of Chinese in SG
by Song Ong Siang
Automating Inequality
by Virginia Eubanks
Law and Technology in SG
by Chesterman et al
ICT Law in SG
by Warren Chik et al